Created: 6/9/1954

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"Xotyb Vex'

ttacheda both tho rnrjlsh originalpaoiah translation, latopplc-asnt to the ino-trae-tiono for Teotical ftrrnholocioalwlilcU you hair rocoivpu

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7. Ztse tad ' "traction for tho dotalledf alllns*olvod la sunn trloVvN baela. Xou aay sbov tha Spanlah text to clearedcreonnal, tut you nuat notanyholr hand* (they nay taVa no tan Id tholr cmqIX th/r/ consider thatand night noodnotao for tho oralir subordlnateo)*

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5 Jons 1


Narva War against Individuals


*tr*ngta of any enemy (foreign or domestic, political orlargely of the indivlduala Who occupy key positions In the

ma leadera, speakers, writers, organisers, cabinet eeasers.

government offlclala, any ccmatanders andofficers, aad so ferth. effort to defeat the eneay suit therefore concentratereat extent these say eneay individual*.

such an effort is mad* by aeans short of physical violence, we call

it "psychological warfare". If it is focused lei* upon convincing those individual* by logical reasoning, but primarily upon novinc them in the desired direction by means of harassment, by frightening, confusing and misleading them, we speak ofwar'. erve war can fa* waged against an entire nation or against major group, of the population. In the present paper, however, we discuss^mly nerve war against individuals, that is, against key personalities in tbe enemy


order to make your effort as effective aa possible, select onlynumber of enemy personalities ss your target*. Effective nerv*In mostonsiderable amount of work: concentrate iton persons who arc really important lo the enemyealyou (for instance, as persuasive speakersr a. successfulyour own ranis, or the like). Select not more persons thanconfident you can handle effectively. If there arc definitely morepersonal!tie. than you can atUck sisnltaneoualy,rioritywith the first group on the list first and add persons farther cownonly, if and when you have disposed of members of the first group (orincreases by recruiting additional active personnel on your side,

a" "IM'"r'lJ according to their officialtitle, tut according to their real importance as individual*. In ethe chairmanot el-ay. the most importantor isalways the real headunicipal government,^nd so forth, pon his colleague, and his11fanatically devoted to the enemy cause, who

ia the moat accomplished speaker, creardier or

JUsume f attacking them.

Trt'elr! ^ , . * ,tron8 personality,cu will find it extremely difficult

fMt' ycur rttad(3him personally nay only

into an eveneffort for hi a

UwWr "ano1


Foot, their personal habits end their private lives spc-cisllv vulnerable

-oney or is guilty of other illegal or inmoraTalS

It la also laportent to knew who are hie friends and wh- arespeciallj close to him, in hi. cam party, in hl.^wno the position which he nowat aohethe better sr. your chances ofuccessful merve'war^ratTon againtt'

T. Tour Mil natural objective will be to draw IM peraon when you attack oror tc your aid*. this, however, will Dot always be possible Cwmi tha in might ba euchdyed-la-tbe-wool sdlltont of the enemy couae or may ba ao utterly opposed to you that It would ba unrealistic to expect that you can win Uariend or an ally. moreover, there are undoubtedly certain persona in th* enemy eemp whoa you would not even went to have on your aide, even If you could nonage to recruit theapareoa* who are guilty of crimes or of shameful political or personal acta, peraons whoso names have boconv so closely Identified with your enemy that It would coaprcaiso and embarrass you if they were lo loin year aide.

8. In the latter cases, you shall try to destroy that man's usefulness for the enemy side. Bywa do not mean to kill the aonsince physical vtolence Is not discussed In the present paper, but we mean either to max* the aum leave the enemy (without Joiningor instance, by withdrawing from all public activity, or by emigratingor to nake tho aneay oust the nan, because ef eusplcioo? which you might bare aroused againstemporary result, yon may at least mend the man out of hire's way In the critical moment (for Instance,hony emergency callelativear-away town orhony orderuperior, sending hla In the wrong direction.)

9. Ihe aethede which you could or ahould use to achlcvo the objectives defined above willry according to whether you want to recruit the aon or to destroy hla (or rather hla usefulness to the oaeay). Furthermore, thee* methods will differ according to the ares in which you operate aad the circumstances existiiuj there at the tlao at which you undertakeampaign. Finally, inch will depend upon the person what you haver target. Do not consider, therefore, tho following suggestionairmly established eet of rules, equally applicable to oil cases: examine rather every case on its own morlta and find out which of the following bits of advici may suit your inmfliete problem, lou will undoubtedly also dlacover ways ond mean* of your own cf which we did not think when preparing thie paper.

10. If you want toum away from Urn enemy, over to yaur own aide, you haw to convince hla that the enemy haa evil intentions against him (whether against himerson or as memberiven aoclal class, or theor Instance, if your targetetired army officer endenace to convince hla that tht enemyto which he belongsblans to oust all retiredo any leave tho party rather than wait until he lo OuaUd. Or, if you happen lo knowast legal offense of which your target has been guilty, but which went undetected (for instance, emboitlement of public funds) and you can convince hla that his conpetltora have assembled evidence against him, he nay resign hla public office rather than await indictment.

U. On the other heed, if you intend toan, al* your effort* not ao much at hla personally, but at hie colleagues or his luperiors: furalah thenoundabout, devious way, of course) with material which indicates thai the manraitor, that he la plotting to gain more power for himself, that he coDaboratea with their enemies, that he accepts moneyoreign poweror that his private aim willig public scandal soon ao that it will be better for them (for their party, government, businesa corporation) to get rid of hla Immediately in order not to be affected by that scandal.

12. Tha nost camper, techrdquea tc be ased for either purpose are rumors, anonymous letters, telegrams and telephone calls as well aa visible aynbola. Telephone calls ahould be mode preferably ln the ecrly hours of the morning, aayan'e psychological resistance la usually at Its lowest ebb. "Visibleay includeoffinenpssn'a nooee in front of the man's house, pointing threatening texts on thaerelou haveorelour secret life has been discovered'may behony borne

through Uw Milsheap alarm clock, towo bomb,ota "Thla laarning. >next time it will bar the like.

13. Toupreferably choose for rearnts whan your target la paTchologJcally especially vulnerable. If, for Instance, he la Just celebrating hla birthday and la tho -Adsta"elegram or talaphom callminous novan lmprendl ng party per gel reaches hla, thla li likely to affect hia aora bacaoae of th* sharp contrast with hit slated aood at the aomtttthan at ordinary times. Co the other hand, IT your messages reach hla whan be la already very auch depressed (whether for political, business or familyon aayumulative affect and thereby hit hla harder than ycu could otherwise. (Thla again ladieatad clearly that you Mustlose watch over tha peraona acalnatageampaign.)

"The fclaa ofaa suddenly begins to ba pralaed by hta enemies, tola la likely to arouse suspicions osong his friends. olitical leadera violent speech and the newspapers o! the opposition cosvicnd hia for hisoaphaalia that ha la different frca hia colleagues, easier to get along withhla la bound to embarrase hla, especially if he oolongsarty character! aod by groat Inner distrust and permanent fecreflationists and oppoBltlonlBta,', like ths Ccanunist Party. This effect can also be obtcincd by writing toriendly letter from abroad,ostile political group or the like, If one con be reasonably sure that the letter will be censored aod thus ccmo tc tho attention of the man's superiors.

harassment: if local conditions pomlt, one can denounce atha proper authorities fcr any violation oflaw of which he iaguilty or for which at least suspicious looking evidence can bedenunciations amy range fron treason to lnconc tax evasion. Sent times, rory Insignificant lax violation aay save Interesting pelltlcal assume you knowan left secretly town one night to attendmeeting; you go to the police aod accuse hla of having seen hiaan laaaoral act (or, perhaps having parked hla car, without lights,public traffic) oa that tame aicht. Ia court, the nan willthat he was cot there at all: it will then be lorlcel to ask hlnto the court where he was At that linewhich will be obviouslyto hia,

If you an to leave the enemy camp, youthis by ho*ln4 rumors about crony intentions reach Us wife, hlaother close friends and relatives who nay havo nueh influence upon hin. ife believeusband will fcc *'nt by the Communist Partyyear's training to the Soviet Onion, Implying that the prettiest Russianaelected to keep those 'heroes fron far-away lands* coepony. aht ncythat hor huabrnd not onlyt tfi away, but quits tho pwty. Younuko hor auspaot that the secret party meetings which he attendsistress, or the like. If she is not the Jealous type, you mayfear for hia Ufa or indicate that he ia going to lose his Job because ofactlvltlea or any such suggestion which is likely t- nakt horhis political work In the desired sense.

certain cases, forged papers may greatly assist your car.paljn. Lane a,ailansounlst Partyetter on partyhln to appear before the party control commission to snsworhis private associations with enemy stents, Trotskyitos or themay prefer to resign from the party ra^hor than undergo the threateningIf hla eonscleetco should happen to be cleanbut you will naturallycharge which has atnail kernel of possible truth in it.) If youthe necessary aUtiooery or atubber Stomp of the party, you'lltry it by Ulaphona call or by telegram.

16. Whichever method you choose, you'll have to pursue your campaignand Methodically, until your target either gives Inor, on the contrary, until you recorrdte that this Is, for the time being atopoleas ease aod that you are wasting your effort. Repetition la one of the strongest devices In all propaganda and the cumulative affect of various Means (as suggested in the foregoing paragraphs) increases with every additional atop you take. Don't give

the man UM to recover fron the first shock) have him approached fron different aides, far different people, but ell contributing to the theme which ycu have chosen.

19. never expose yourself lnerve war campaign: thisapcrativ* met only to protect you fromxasurea and fron possible legal persecution, but also because en unknown, invisible enemyuch greater harassing effect uponminds then attack*nown adversary. Therefore tell your rumorste one cr two gossipy persons af vfacm you can be but* that they will spread the etory until It reachea the people for whom you intended it. Bave ether pereona. people not known to the addressee) write anonymous letters, if the man In question knows you. Hover noil thenlac* close Is where you live, but fron enother town or from another part ef the city. Disguise your handwriting. Do not eae your own stationery but buy the necessary sheets and envelopes separately. Hake telephone cell* only from public telephanea and keep them very short so that they cannot be traced back.


de cede enema goel pals,oalite

ce lea lndividuoa quo ocapea poeiclones cleves ea la organixaclcr. enemiga, eoaaor adores,org sail adores, aleabros del geblnete, oflclalea mjka natlguoa del gobieme,delflclalee del estado mayor, latooto pare derroter al eceelgo debc par le tante eencentrare* eaay or pertc ea estoe lrdlviduoe elarea del enenlgo.

i. Si este lntento es becho por medio* que do seen viola no Is fiaica, le llananos' 'PierreI ee centralise meno. en ccovoocor aoaoa indjvidaoe per rasona-aie-rtss legicos, pero primeraaenie llevaadaloela dlreccloa deaeada por medio de la

. sOedo, lal engeSo, Doeotros hablaaos de olio cobo una

do nervioa". Eat* guerra de nervioa puede ser oinprcndldd contra unaontra grupca aayores de la poblaclon. Ed este arllculo, sin embargo,olMxrz'a la guerra de nervioa en contra deso as,irri: enempo eoemigo.

SFX'rwiMi ds cftrmvos

Para cue sua eafuenos scan lo mis cfoetivos poaible, aeleccione eoao objeUvoua rdaero Ualtador*li*adoe del enesdgo. One guerra de nervioa fa.tlra cocprondo en la mayorfa da loe eaaoa eonaiderable eantldad de trebalei con-cfcir-Cn.ror lo Unto, en perscnos que ecen realmenteara el enemieo a'

omo erjanl-

rillantea, ponetrsndo ens proplos rengoe, eU.V Smieocione el nfia-ro dee uated eat* seguro de poder controlar efeetlvanente. ay enJ^onaTdemdec elnvos de las que usted pueda atecar alaultanoaaente, haga una lista do RferiAd,prlmoramcnto del primer gropo en lanada personal asfa aaa-oea uated y. hays dlapaestc deles

trap* to sua sweatee- potenciales reclutscdoctiveu lado, etc.).

.:. onp sua cojetlvos no nocesarlanente de acuordo con sus ranges vaino de ecuerdo can su verdndero laportarel* come IndivldcoS: IBel rresldente no ee siampreeraanolidad mis inportontel es elln vo readera eebeta de un goblemo municipal, etc. Dirljaae primeranenteqao tenga le mayor IniiucncU cntrc suasguidores, que tonga elqea esto mis fanitieamentoa causa ermaiga. Queelo

su cauea. Sin enbargo, ni el mis prlvilegiado do loa llderes Fueda tratatordo todas elaaosi si usted logra despojarlo de algunos deea^aUdode*dibilaui, mcrosonoslnUgrJ ejmTS

CaVccicn* tanbion sus objetives de acuerdo con su hafcllldod para atccarlos. quo e_ lider del enesdgo ea una personalldad muy fucrto. inquestlonableacnto e absolute intogridad, etel uated enco-.trariV. el sacudirlo. Eh reolldad, lo* ataquea en se centra pueda cue <oloaente

sin sua de fzi-s:

yperU tanto mi. ftdl- de

oned hacer eln su

rate de obtener toda la InformaeiSn posible vinu pollticoa (esr^ialmente la, posible. dlferencL,

UO.V spocl^tcecibldo dinero de

rrtronjero, si e. cn1 bebe er.e deja drrUnar

jfl^eanotes ilogalcs c BU0 oncai^ (poraenoloa),

tlds,oalUa, olgun heoire que aspire Klentros sas usted sepa de ose hesfcre, mayores son -

. dados de diriglr en su cootre una ofocUva guerra de nervlo*.

Eatoatedu lado.rgo, no sorl alcasproa queombre puede ser un militant*


^ * aT * loa eanar coaoliaoo. Por otro part, hoy sin duda clsuna cierta. peraonao on el cwpo'doemigo cue usted nonerdner.enas quo .on

e am aetos Tergonxososcrscoalas,euros ixmtrc* so idcntlflcan tan eatrocno-sente con ol cnenigo one loTergctfiwionnleran

tiluevj cms,debe do tratar de deslruir la utlUdad de caeel enealgo. PorosoUros no quereaoe dtelx quo se sate al tcssbroque la elolancla fialcaiscute en este ertieulc, qucroaos deeir, haterabandone al eneedgo (ginoraeer que el'eneaUgo lo doaplda, por lagustod hoya logrado haeer recaer Cow un resultndo teaporero, uspor lo stonos nandar al honbre fuera on ol noaonto erltico (por ojcaplo, poruna raise llanada telefonlca de eaergencla dc ur. parlente an un pueblo lejano ode una falsa orden de un superior,na direction errancc.J


aotodos quo usted puedaeba de usar para coniepiir losarrlbe naturalawnta rorloran de aeuerdo con que uated dosce roclutaro dostrulrlo (aejor dlchoill dad para el eneiigo). Has sun, cstosdc aeuerdo con el area en quo satedas clrcunstanciassee luger en el xenon to on cue ustcd caprenda lal caapaoa. Finalncntc,do la parson* qua uated haya ccnrnrtldo on su objotlvo. Mo cans Were, por loelguleeiton eugorenclas eomo rcelas flraoauinte oatablecidas, lguaiaentc apilcabloa

en todos los casosi aejcr aun examine cada paso por sue propiosoe Ida cual de loa elgulontas consejoa ea el Indlcado para su problaaa inaedUlo. Ostod podra sin duda algena descubrlrprcpiadas en las cuOlea nosotros no ecnsaaoa el preparer eate artlcuio.

uatod descan honbre delu eauaa, uated ticno quede qua al cnenigo Uone malas inU-nclonea haeleya sua on su contrao cono sdcahro do ciorta class social, etc.). Por ejonplo, si su etucUve

ea an oflclal roUrado del ejerelto, puode quebandone ol partldo antes da que este locsplda. i uated conoco alguna paaada ofenaa legal do la cnal al objetieo hays sloo culpable, pcro la cual nunca se ejeacuorlo (per ejestplo, desfalcawento de rondc*stod logra convoncorlo do que sua ccnpotldoren luw rounido evldoncinscentra, puede queeonuneiar su cargo publico antes dc qir

otra parte, si uated intenta destruir el honbre, ccnccntre suatanto haciaerscaalaxnta,uauperioresi swoinistrclctdo una nonora indirecta, Wruiosa) con awtonal que indique que el honbretraldor, questd ccnsplmndo para genar nds podor personal, que ci colabors

con el eoaslgo, que el acepto dlnero de ur. podor crtranjeroo que sus pecadoseausar un eorio escindalo pronto por lo tanto seria auger para cllos (paragobierno, corporacl'n coaereial) el deshacersc denacoaalaner.u. parasor oXoctados por el

^' ^ ause pars cualquier prcposito os por medio de los

srus sneninaa,aaados tolofonlcas lo noamo que snebolos Tial>ile3. Las llaaadas lalefonlcas deben do ser hechas preTerlblesonte any teaprano en laeaistencla pelccOctjlca del honbre est! usealsssnto an els bajo. "SiBboloB tlsihlea- pueden ineluir cl colocarid

2 VCr*ie0aaa itt^oancnaaadores cn> "Solsncnto tolas mis"Tb Ida scerota ha

oldoalaeqular otro quo aoanviando bonhas falaas por nx^io del correo (incluya un doapextador borate, para sugarir una beeeba daono un artss. la proxixa res seratc.

ia.oao eo ia1 do aoacntc un Ixr.brcetc lerantarA aoepechas entre bub propioa asuaos. que

saaafManurAlnmrt^ lne uorlodlco- do la OtKieleieri

U. Catad puedc prererlbloaaaate escoger para sua operacloncs al aceiento en que su objatlTo ost4 ado rulnarable pslcolcglcamonte. Si, por ejesq^lo,sti cclebrOido sun aedlo de una alegre flosU, unna llaauda tclefohlca con nefeetaa ootlclaB (por ojeaplo, una inalnente purgaclon del partldo) lo lloga, ai euy prctable'dua le afeete assdebido al rial en to eontraatc con su "WMfinr huswr delque en cualqeler otroor otro parte, al SO nensnte lc Ucga cuancoe cncocctrc auy deprlsOdoascne; polltlcas,esMd puede conseguiroe to ennuisolpoarlo ixis fuertc que do cualouier otra stonero. IfaXa lndlca clsranantc do nuevo que usted debe dc aantener una ostrieta rliilancio aobre las pcrscnas contra laas ustod dirija esta clese de caapafla).

li.. eao do la auerU'i Si do DOscnto un buohrcer alabsde por susraatar4 acepechos entre sua prcpioa anlaoa. Asuaaa. ana un Uder

lo elaban cor

su aodoraciCo, enfatltandc quec* dire retua coapaacros,irstable,erto lo deaecoeertara, especlalacntc al cUn partldo carscterliado por Haa gran deaconflanxon poronneposlCioniaUs', ecmo ol Partldo CcsainlsU. Est* ofeeto tumbledlocrarse eserlbiindalo desde el extrenjero, de un grope politico hoatll, etc, ens carta, al una puede eetar raiceuhlcmento aeguro que dlcha carta ha de aoror lo tanto llegar hasta los superlores del hombro.

locals si las condicionos locales lo penalWn, unoas enterldades partlnonies por cualeuier riolacloh de la lay de la cual

aa rcrdadorcraontoo hayan lotn-add acunular cvldencUa aospochoBsa oncontra. Estas doacncles poaden verier dcohuir pager laaoeee, una aparenteeaiaato ir-slgniflcante vloleeioh de la Icy poodc toner Intcressntes conseeuenciaa poll tie as I pro tends saber que ol honbre salii secrotaaonte del puebloclarta nee he parana reunion cJandeoUnaj uatedae scusa da haberla vlsto coaster un acto lnaoral (o, quit! do oitacionar el auto, aln lueea, ponioedo en pellgro el trifieo ptollco) ess alasa nochc. Sr. la cor (a. cl honbre naturslnonto negari quo ol eatuvo on cl lugar indicadca sera entznecs liglco si hacerlc prober ante lade Cl estuvo en ese momcntolo cual sera1 obvianento eaibara-seeto

prlvada: ei ustod cesoa que cl hembre abandone ol caapoconeeguirlo hnclendo que olertoa nosoroa sobro las lntoncicnos del cnonlgosu ospoea, padres,migos int-aos cue tengan lnTlucnele sabre el. hecena esposa que au maridoer envlsdo por el Partido CtseinisU

a un afto doa Onion Sdvlo"tica, iapllcando que las mis be Lias jovenes rusaa serin olegldas para hocoroa heroes de laa nooionoa lcjOnot, ella no eCLt insd stlrf co que an siarldo no vaya alncue abandons el partido. listed pue-do taahien heearle eospechAr que las reuniones aecretas del partldo senna nmigo, Si eUa no es del tlpo celoso, ustod puede hacor que ella tana per la vide dc sundlcarerder su cmplecus actlvldadosalqulergurencla que la bags tntcrvonir ea sui asuntos politlcos on la forma descada.

casos, papeloB ralaificadofl pueuon ayudarlc grandoaente cr, sa

caspaAa. Por ejenplo, si uated eerda unan oKeisl del Partldo Ccnurasta, en al papal de cartas del partido, cl taneeopareeor site la conlsidn de contrcl del partldo paralgunas pregunlasu Seoeiaeian privada eon agantes del eoeodgo, TrotaWsUs,l puede que prcflcra ranunciar al partldo aotea dea anenaaadcra purgseidh (aunqae su conclcncia est* limpiapcro uated naturaloentc aoleeelonarJ un cargo que contenga algo do vordaa). Si ustcd no dispone del pa pel de cartao por lo ncnos ur. acllo del partido, tendr* quo inter, tar lo por medio do una llamodao un telegrams.

quo sea el edtodo que ustod sciceclone, tendr* quoetddlcamcnte, htata que au objctlvo seorbasts que ustod se de cucnta de que cs un easostcd cslSsus csfucrtos. La ropoticicVi es uno dc los recur jos ads fXertes dey cicumulative, de lorlos nodios teono se luglort en loaauaenta con cada paso adi clonal que us ted tone. So lo dd ticmpo alrepooorsa del primer golpei etdquelo por di-erentcsifercntoitolas ContribuyenOo al fin que us ted ha escogldo.

aen esta caapsna da guerrs de ncnaosi oato es inporativo

no sclaaente para proUjerlo de laae posiblcs peraecucicnee lcgales, sino taabicn porqua ur. cneaugo desccoocldo invisible tlcne nayor Ofeeto hoatlgante aobro nuchas Biontos quo ataquos por adversarloe ccnocldos. Per lo Untol rumoroa norsonas nuxnuradoraa, de las cualcs uated pusdc cstar soguro queU Materia hasta que 6eUs pcrsonas indieadas. Hags cue otraa genua (por <cnplo, porBonas cu.secriocldas por ol deatinatarlo) escriban anonicos al el hoBbro en cuoatlon los cocoes. os envle de un sitio cereu dofucllio, alno do otroe otra parte de la eluded. Dosfiguro su eacrltura. tic use su propio panel de carUs, eceapraobro separaxlastente. Hoga las Uaradas tele-Xacica* de taOafocoeue Bean cortaa para ovltsr ser descubierto.

Original document.

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